Read LA!
Discover more about Read LA!Parent to Parent:
Letter from Literacy Ambassador, Gohar C.
Read Gohar C.’s message to parents on early literacy!
NEW: L.A. Literacy Landscape Report
New report urges leaders to address the literacy crisis, with 72% of LAUSD Black students, 67% of Latino students, AND 91% of English learners not reading on grade level by third grade
NEW: Family Version of Literacy Report
In this family version of our literacy report in English and Spanish, we offer a set of recommendations for LAUSD families to ensure that solving the literacy crisis is a shared effort inside and outside the classroom.

About us
For nearly 25 years, Families In Schools has made space for family members, educators, and others who work with families to build strong partnerships in service of students.
The Team
The FIS team is driven by our mission and vision and reflects the communities it serves with their diverse backgrounds and experiences. Our staff includes experts in education, curriculum and professional development, policy, and community organizing, among others.

What We Do
FIS is a capacity-building, leadership, and advocacy organization that works throughout the United States, with our largest footprint in Los Angeles and California, to ensure families are involved at every level of educational change and opportunity for their children.